在 c++ 中读取带有空格的字符串

Reading string with spaces in c++

本文关键字:空格 字符串 c++ 读取      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#define MAX 50 //size of array
//Used G++ 4.6.3 compiler
using namespace std;
int main() {
struct Manager {
string name;
int age;
int working_years;
string phone;
int salary;
char inp; //To choose options
int array_pos = 0; //Current position in array of Manager structure
string search_name; //Manager name you want to search
cout << "Press 'i' to insert manager information or 's' to search for manager information by name or 'a' to abort: ";
cin >> inp;
while(inp != 'a') {
int search_num = 0; //array position at which search result is found
int found = 0;
if (inp == 'i' || inp == 's') {
    if (inp == 'i') {
        int k = array_pos;
        cout << "Enter the information of the manager no "<<k+1<<" is : "; 
        cout << "Enter the Name : "; 
                     //infinte loop occurs
        getline(info[array_pos].name, 'n');
        //cin >> info[array_pos].name;
        cout<<"Enter manager age : "; 
        cin >> info[array_pos].age;
        cout << "Enter manage working years : ";
        cin >> info[array_pos].working_years;
        cout << "Enter manager phone no. : ";
        cin >> info[array_pos].phone;
        cout << "Enter manager salary : ";
        cin >> info[array_pos].salary;
    if (inp == 's') {
        cout << "Enter the manager name you want to search : ";
        cin >> search_name;
        for(int i = 0; i < array_pos; i++) {
            //using str1.compare(str2) to compare manager name
            if(info[i].name.compare(search_name) == 0) { //manager name found in array of structure
                found = 1;                  
                search_num = i;                 
                cout << "Name : " << info[search_num].name << "n";
                cout << "Age: " << info[search_num].age << "n";
                cout << "Working Years: " << info[search_num].working_years << "n";
                cout << "Phone No. : " << info[search_num].phone << "n";
                cout << "Salary : " << info[search_num].salary << "n";
            } //end of if loop for comparing string
        } //end of for loop for searching
        if(found == 0)
            cout << "No Manager by this name exist in record" << "n"; 
    } //end of if loop
} //end of if loop for  searching or insertion
if(inp == 'a')
cout << "Press 'i' to insert manager information or 's' to search for manager information by name or 'a' to abort: ";
cin >> inp;
} //end of while loop
return 0;


std::string line;
if (std::getline(std::cin, line)) {


std::string line;
while (std::getline(std::cin, line)) {
    if (line.empty()) continue;
    std::istringstream is(line);
    if (is >> ...) {

在不担心 std 命名空间的情况下读取带有空格的字符串的最简单方法如下

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){
    string str;
    return 0;

解决方案 #1:

char c;
cin >> noskipws;    // Stops all further whitespace skipping
while (cin >> c) {  // Reads whitespace chars now.


char c;
while (cin.get(c)) {  // Always reads whitespace chars.