
Trouble with a loop

本文关键字:问题 循环      更新时间:2023-10-16

我想要我的字符运行,以确定我的开关是否会运行。我在放置循环的开头时遇到问题。我正在使用整数选项和大小创建模式。该选项选择模式类型 1-4,大小决定了模式将具有的列数和行数。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int option, size;
char run;
cout << "This program is writen by Alex Walter. "
     << "The purpose of this program is to create four different patterns of different sizes. "
     << "The size of each pattern is determined by the number of columns or rows. "
     << "For example, a pattern of size 5 has 5 columns and 5 rows. "
     << "Each pattern is made up of character P and a digit, which shows the size. "
     << "The size must be between 2 and 9. ";
cout << "Menu" << endl
     << "1. Pattern One " << endl
     << "2. Pattern Two " << endl
     << "3. Pattern Three " << endl
     << "4. Pattern Four " << endl
     << "0. Quit " << endl;
cout << "Choose an option (between 1 and 4 or 0 to end the program): ";
cin >> option;
cout << "Choose a pattern size (between 2 and 9): ";
cin >> size;
case 1:
            cout << "Pattern 1: " << endl << endl
             << size << "PPPP" << endl
             << "P" << size << "PPP" << endl
             << "PP" << size << "PP" << endl
             << "PPP" << size << "P" << endl
             << "PPPP" << size << endl;
case 2:
            cout << "Pattern 2: " << endl << endl
            << "PPPP" << size << endl
            << "PPP" << size << "P" << endl
            << "PP" << size << "PP" << endl
            << "P" << size << "PPP" << endl
            << size << "PPPP" << endl;
case 3:
            cout << "Pattern 3: " << endl << endl
            << "PPPPP" << endl
            << "PPPP" << size << endl
            << "PPP" << size << size << endl
            << "PP" << size << size << size << endl
            << "P" << size << size << size << size << endl;
case 4:
            cout << "Pattern 4: " << endl << endl
            << "PPPPP" << endl
            << size << "PPPP" << endl
            << size << size << "PPP" << endl
            << size << size << size << "PP" << endl
            << size << size << size << size << "P" << endl;
cout << "Run again?" << endl;
cin >> run;
}while(run == 'y' || run == 'Y' );




  1. "Y"继续运行,或输入"n"或"N"停止运行。
  2. 计算循环数并在 switch 语句中使用来确定您正在执行的运行。

解决方案是使用两个单独的变量。 对上面的 #2 使用run,但随后您需要对其进行初始化,这意味着在程序的最顶部给它一个初始值。 若要初始化,请提供声明它的值,如下所示:

int run = 1;

请注意,我将类型从 char 更改为 int - 因为在 switch 语句的情况下,您将其与整数而不是字符进行比较。

现在确保每个循环都递增(向其添加 1 run。 (您还应该考虑如果/当run达到 5 时会发生什么,这在您的 switch 语句中没有!


在某个地方执行此操作,例如在 switch 语句之后。

现在添加一个额外的变量,例如 input ,并使用它而不是在底部run,在那里您获得cin输入并将其与 while 语句中的"y"或"Y"进行比较。 您也可以在顶部声明变量,并且不需要初始化它,尽管无论如何都要开始初始化它是一个好习惯:

char input = 'Y';