
Adding something to an array

本文关键字:添加 数组      更新时间:2023-10-16


class B
    B()             //default
        element = new A [1]; count = 0;
    A add(A place)
        A* newArr;
        newArr = new A [count+1];
        newArr = element;
        newArr[count+1] = place;
        delete element;
        return newArr[count+1];

    int count;
    A* element;

的大小加 1,然后将旧数组的元素复制到新数组,然后删除旧数组。但是我不确定如何修改类中已有的数组,如果这有意义(基本上是在我的 add 方法中返回什么(。


使用 std::vector 将允许您随意添加,并且还会跟踪其大小,因此您不需要count作为类的一部分。

class B
   // no need to allocate, do add when required i.e. in B::add
   B() : count(), elements() { }
   A add(A place)
      // unnecessarily allocate space again
      A *new_elements = new A[count + 1];
      // do the expensive copy of all the elements
      std::copy(elements + 0, elements + count, new_elements);
      // put the new, last element in
      new_elements[count + 1] = place;
      // delete the old array and put the new one in the member pointer
      delete [] elements;
      elements = new_elements;
      // bunp the counter
      return place;    //redundant; since it was already passed in by the caller, there's no use in return the same back
   size_t count;
   A *elements;

上面的代码也许可以做你想要的,但强烈建议不要这样做。 使用向量;你的代码将简单地变成

class B
    // no need of a constructor since the default one given by the compiler will do, as vectors will get initialized properly by default
    void Add(A place)
         // if you need the count
         const size_t count = elements.size();
         // do stuff with count here
       std::vector<A> elements;


template<typename T>
class B
private: // don't put data under a protected access!
    std::size_t _capacity;
    std::size_t _size;
    T* _elements;
    B() : _capacity(0), _size(0), _elements(nullptr) {}
    // other methods
    void add(const T& t)
        if (_size >= _capacity) // need to resize the array
            _capacity++; // you can make this better by increasing by several at a time
            T* temp = new T[_capacity];
            std::copy(_elements, _elements + _size, temp);
            delete [] _elements;
            _elements = temp;
        _elements[_size++] = t;