
Deleting specific class objects stored in an array

本文关键字:对象 存储 数组 删除      更新时间:2023-10-16




#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
void storeinfo() ;
void showinfo() ;
void menu() ;
void deleteinfo() ;
void displayallinfo() ;
int linsearch(string val) ;

class user 
    string firstname, lastname, currentteam, position, status ;
    int age ;
    user() {};
    user(string fname, string lname, string cteam, string pos, string stat, int age) 
    } ;
    void setFirstName(string fname)
        {firstname = fname;}
    void setLastName(string lname)
        {lastname = lname;}
    void setCurrentTeam(string cteam)
        {currentteam = cteam;}
    void setPosition(string pos)
        {position = pos;}
    void setStatus(string stat)
        {status = stat;}
    void setAge(int _age)
        {age = _age;}
    string getFirstName()
        {return firstname ;}
    string getLastName()
        {return lastname ;}
    string getCurrentTeam()
        {return currentteam ;}
    string getPosition()
        {return position ;}
    string getStatus()
        {return status ;}
    int getAge()
        {return age ;}
user player[20] ;
int arrlength = 3 ;
int main()
    menu() ;
    cin.get() ;
    return 0 ;
void storeinfo()
    string firstname ;
    string lastname ;
    string currentteam ;
    string position;
    string status ;
    int age ;
    for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
        cout << "nn Enter First Name : " ; 
        cin >> firstname ;
        player[i].setFirstName(firstname) ;
        cout << "Enter Last Name : " ; 
        cin >> lastname ;
        player[i].setLastName(lastname) ;
        cout << "Enter Player's Age : " ; 
        cin >> age;
        player[i].setAge(age) ;
        cout << "Enter Current Team : " ; 
        cin >> currentteam ;
        player[i].setCurrentTeam(currentteam) ;
        cout << "Enter Position : " ; 
        cin >> position ;
        player[i].setPosition(position) ;
        cout << "Enter Status : " ; 
        cin >> status ;
        player[i].setStatus(status) ;
        cout << "nnn" ;
    /*cout << string(50, 'n');*/
    menu() ;
void showinfo()
    string search;
    int found ;

    cout << "Please Enter The Player's Last Name : " ;
    cin >> search ;
    if (found==-1)
        cout << "n There is no player called " << search ;
        cout << "n First Name : " << player[found].getFirstName() << "n" << "Last Name : " << player[found].getLastName() <<
            "n" << "Age : " << player[found].getAge() << "n" << "Current Team : " << player[found].getCurrentTeam() << 
            "n" << "Position : " << player[found].getPosition() << "n" << "Status :  " << player[found].getStatus()  << "nn";
    cin.get() ;
    menu() ;
void deleteinfo()
    int arrlength = 3 ;
    string search ;
    int found ;
    cout << "n Delete A Player's Information nn" ;
    cout << "Please Enter The Player's Last Name : " ;
    cin >> search ;
    if (found==-1)
        cout << "n There is no player called " << search ;
        for (int i=found + 1; i < arrlength; ++i)
            player[i-1].setFirstName(player[i].getFirstName()) ;
            player[i-1].setLastName(player[i].getLastName()) ;
            player[i-1].setAge(player[i].getAge()) ;
            player[i-1].setCurrentTeam(player[i].getCurrentTeam()) ;
            player[i-1].setPosition(player[i].getPosition()) ;
            player[i-1].setStatus(player[i].getStatus()) ;
        --arrlength ;

        cout << "n Player has been deleted." ;
    cin.get() ;
    menu() ;
void displayallinfo()
    for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
        cout << "n First Name : " << player[i].getFirstName() << "n" << "Last Name : " << player[i].getLastName() <<
            "n" << "Age : " << player[i].getAge() << "n" << "Current Team : " << player[i].getCurrentTeam() << 
            "n" << "Position : " << player[i].getPosition() << "n" << "Status :  " << player[i].getStatus()  << "nn";
    cin.get() ;
    menu() ;
void menu()
    cout << "nn MENU" << "n" ;
    cout << "n A. Store Player Information" ;
    cout << "n B. Show Player Informaton" ;
    cout << "n C. Delete Player Information" ;
    cout << "n D. Display All Players";
    cout << "n Z. Exit nn" ;
    string x =  "";
    cin >> x ;
    if (x=="a" | x=="A")
        storeinfo() ;
    else if (x=="b" | x=="B")
        showinfo() ;
    else if (x=="c" | x=="C")
        deleteinfo() ;
    else if (x=="d" | x=="D")
        displayallinfo() ;
    else if (x=="z" | x=="Z")
        exit(0) ;
        cout << "Invalid Choice" ;
        menu() ;
int linsearch(string val)
    for (int j=0; j <= 3; j++)
        if  (player[j].getLastName()==val)
         return j ;         
        return -1 ;

>player[i-1].getFirstName()返回实例的 firstname 成员变量的副本。为此函数的输出分配另一个值不会更改存储在实例本身中的值。请改用player[i-1].setFirstName(player[i].getFirstName())。此外,您可以通过以下方式使用赋值操作器,而不是复制 for 循环中的每个成员 player[i-1] = player[i];

数组真的不适合这种事情。 考虑使用 std::list。 这也意味着您可以摆脱所有尴尬的大小硬编码。