AVL 无法插入 (C++)

AVL failing to insert (c++)

本文关键字:C++ 插入 AVL      更新时间:2023-10-16

我一直在努力实现一个普通的二叉搜索树和一个AVL树。我已经基本弄清楚了,但有一个问题我似乎无法解决。当我编译并运行驱动程序时,插入失败。运行或编译时没有错误;它根本不插入。我什至将 BST 插入中的代码粘贴到插入方法中,结果相同。我将把实现与BST实现一起放在下面。任何帮助都是完美的!原谅我半混乱的代码。还没有清理好。

BST Definition 
    class BSTree {
    BSTNode *root;
    //public members
    bool isEmpty(); //check if the bst is empty
    void insert(int newValue); //inserts an int into the bst. Returns success
    bool find(int findMe); //searches bst for int. True if int is in tree
    void preorder(); //calls recursive transversal
    void inorder(); //calls recursive traversal
    void postorder(); //calls recursive transversal
    int height(BSTNode *n); // given node only. 
    int height(); //returns height of whatever node is passed in. 
    int totalheight(); //returns tot height. height of empty tree = -1
    int avgheight(); //returns avg height of tree
    int totaldepth(); //returns tot depth. depth of empty tree = -1
    int avgdepth(); //returns avg depth of tree
    bool remove(int value); //deletes int. returns true if deleted
    int depth(BSTNode *n, int count); //depth of node. recursive.
    int counter(BSTNode *n); //called by other functions for counting nodes
    int totalheight(BSTNode *n); //called from public totalheight
    int totaldepth(BSTNode *n, int depth);
    int avgheight(BSTNode *n, int th);
    bool findRecursive(struct BSTNode *root, int findMe); //called from public find
    struct BSTNode* insertRecursive(struct BSTNode *n, int newValue);
    void inorderRecursive(BSTNode *n); //traverses tree in inorder
    void preorderRecursive(BSTNode *n); //traverses tree in preorder
    void postorderRecursive(BSTNode *n); //traverses tree in preorder
    root = NULL;
    } // BSTree
    //root value given
    BSTree::BSTree(int value){
    root = new BSTNode(value);
    } //BSTree(int)
    void BSTree::insert(int newValue){
    root = insertRecursive(root,newValue);
    } //insert
    struct BSTNode* BSTree::insertRecursive(struct BSTNode *n,int newValue){
    //base case
        return new BSTNode(newValue);
    else if (newValue < n->value) {
        n->left = insertRecursive(n->left,newValue);
    else if (newValue > n->value) {
        n->right = insertRecursive(n->right,newValue);
    else; //duplicate: do nothing
    return n;
    } //insertRecursive
    //--------------------------Call in main-------------------------
    BSTree *t = new BSTree();



class AVLTree : public BSTree {
BSTNode *root;
AVLTree(); //given nothing
AVLTree(int value); //giving root value
//member methods
void insert(int newValue);

struct BSTNode* insert(BSTNode *n, int newValue);
struct BSTNode* rotateLeft(BSTNode *n);
struct BSTNode* rotateRight(BSTNode *n);
struct BSTNode* doubleLeft(BSTNode *n);
struct BSTNode* doubleRight(BSTNode *n);
root = NULL;
} // AVLTree
//root value given
AVLTree::AVLTree(int value){
root = new BSTNode(value);
} //AVLTree(int)

我不会显示旋转方法,因为即使没有它们和正常的 BST 代码,它仍然不起作用。

void AVLTree::insert(int newValue){
root = insert(root, newValue);
struct BSTNode* AVLTree::insert(BSTNode* n, int newValue){
if (n == NULL){ //if we are at end of tree. Insert.
    return new BSTNode(newValue);
else if (newValue < n->value) { //move left if newValue smaller than n->value
    n->left = insert(n->left,newValue);
    if (height(n->left) - height(n->right) == 2){
        if(newValue < n->left->value)
            n = rotateLeft(n);
            n = doubleLeft(n);
    }//if == 2
}//else if 
else if (newValue > n->value) { //move right if newValue bigger
    n->right = insert(n->right,newValue);
    if (height(n->right) - height(n->left) == 2){
        if(newValue > n->right->value)
            n = rotateRight(n);
            n = doubleRight(n);
    }//if == 2
}//else if
else; //duplicate. Do nothing.
n->height = max(height(n->left),height(n->right)) + 1;
return n;
//--------------------call in main ---------------------------
AVLTree *a = new AVLTree();



但是,BSTree的方法使用 BSTree 中声明的root变量。

AVLTree 中删除不必要的变量。