单链表 - 弹出函数

Singly Linked list - popback function

本文关键字:函数 链表 单链表      更新时间:2023-10-16



template < typename T >
void List<T>::PopBack()
  if (Empty())
    std::cerr << "** List error: PopBack() called on empty listn";
  Link *oldLink = last_;
  if (first_ == last_)
    first_ = last_ = 0;
    Link *currLink = GetPred(last_);
    last_ = currLink;
    last_->next_ = nullptr;
    delete oldLink;
} // end PopBack()


template <typename T >
typename List<T>::Link* List<T>::GetPred ( Link* x )
  Link* p = first_;
  while ( p != nullptr && p->next_ != x )
    p = p->next_;
  return p;


// Insert t at (in front of) i; return i at new element
template < typename T >
ListIterator<T> List<T>::Insert (ListIterator<T> i, const T& t)
  if (Empty())  // always insert
    i = End();
  if (!i.Valid()) // null
    std::cerr << " ** cannot insert at position -1n";
    return End();
  Link* newLink = NewLink(t);
  Link* currLink = GetPred(i.curr_);
  // leave i at new entry and return
  newLink = currLink;
  return i;


// return iterator "1 past the back"
template < typename T >
ListIterator<T>  List<T>::End()
  Iterator i(last_->next_);
  return i;


// test cursor for legal dereference
template < typename T >
bool ConstListIterator<T>::Valid() const
  return curr_ != nullptr;


template < typename T >
bool List<T>::Empty()  const
  return (first_ == nullptr);


template < typename T >
T&  ConstListIterator<T>::Retrieve() const
// Return reference to current t
// note conflicted signature - const method returns non-const reference
  if (curr_ == nullptr)
    std::cerr << "** Error: ConstListIterator<T>::Retrieve() invalid dereferencen";
    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  return curr_->Tval_;

如果你的列表有一个元素,我假设first_last都指向该元素。那么,当 List 只包含一个元素时调用 PopBack 时会发生什么:

template < typename T >
void List<T>::PopBack()
  if (Empty())  // Not empty so don't take the if
    std::cerr << "** List error: PopBack() called on empty listn";
  Link *oldLink = last_;
  // first_ and last_ are the same so set them to 0
  if (first_ == last_)
    first_ = last_ = 0;  // Why 0 instead of nullptr ?
    // GetPred(0) will return nullptr, i.e. currLink  will be nullptr
    Link *currLink = GetPred(last_);
    // Last will be nullptr
    last_ = currLink;
    // Dereference of nullptr !!!!
    last_->next_ = nullptr;
    delete oldLink;


template < typename T >
void List<T>::PopBack()
  if (Empty())      {
    std::cerr << "** List error: PopBack() called on empty listn";
  delete last_; // No reason for oldLink - just delete right away
                // as you will not dereference last_ until it has
                // a new value
  if (first_ == last_)
    first_ = last_ = nullptr;
    Link *currLink = GetPred(last_);
    last_ = currLink;
    last_->next_ = nullptr;

方法 PopBack 在 first_ 等于 last_ 的情况下具有未定义的行为,因为起初两个节点都设置为 0

if (first_ == last_)
  first_ = last_ = 0;

然后,您正在尝试访问 alreadt 等于 0 的节点的数据成员next

last_->next_ = nullptr;


template < typename T >
void List<T>::PopBack()
    if ( Empty() )
        std::cerr << "** List error: PopBack() called on empty listn";
    Link *oldLink = last_;
    Link *currLink = GetPred( last_ );
    last_ = currLink;
    if ( last_ == nullptr )
        first_ = last_;
        last_->next_ = nullptr;
    delete oldLink;
} // end PopBack()


Link* newLink = NewLink(t);


newLink = currLink;



// Insert t at (in front of) i; return i at new element
template < typename T >
ListIterator<T> List<T>::Insert (ListIterator<T> i, const T& t)
    if (Empty())  // always insert
        i = End();
    if ( !i.Valid() ) // null
        std::cerr << " ** cannot insert at position -1n";
        return End();
    Link* newLink = NewLink(t);
    newLink->next = i.curr;
    Link* currLink = GetPred( i.curr_ );
    if ( currLink == nullptr )
        first_ = newLink;
        currLink->next = newLink;
    i.curr = newLink;
    return i;