从 txt 文件读取到矢量中,然后按数字C++排序

Reading from txt file into vector then sorting numerically C++

本文关键字:然后 数字 排序 C++ 文件 txt 读取      更新时间:2023-10-16

>03 Ribena 7 2.20

17 咖啡 76 1.50

24 茶 21 1.10

39 精灵3 1.70

56 可乐 18 1.70

68橙色106 2.20

77 青柠 11 2.10

86 葡萄 34 2.30

55 巧克力 15 2.70

16 霜冻 20 2.20

65柠檬水21 1.90

55酸奶99 3.40

05 冲床 3 1.70


void record_initialize()
    vector<string> record;
    cout << "n";
    record.push_back("17"  "tt""Coffee"  "tt""76"  "tt""1.50");
    record.push_back("24"  "tt""Tea"     "tt""21"   "tt""1.10");
    record.push_back("39"  "tt""Sprite"   "tt""3" "tt""1.70");
    record.push_back("56"   "tt""Cola"  "tt""18" "tt""1.70");
    record.push_back("68"  "tt""Orange"  "tt""106""tt""2.20");
    record.push_back("77"  "tt""Lime"    "tt""11" "tt""2.10");
    record.push_back("86"  "tt""Grape"     "tt""34" "tt""2.30");
    record.push_back("55" "tt" "Chocolate"   "t""15" "tt""2.70");
    record.push_back("16"  "tt""Frosty"    "tt""20" "tt""2.20");
    record.push_back("55" "tt" "Lemonade"  "t""21" "tt""1.90");
    record.push_back("55"  "tt""Yoghurt"   "tt""99" "tt""3.40");
    record.push_back("05"  "tt""Punch"     "tt""3"  "tt""1.70");
    cout << "n";
    //sort(record.begin(), record.end());
    ofstream output_file("Drinks.txt");
    ostream_iterator<string> output_iterator(output_file, "n");
    copy(record.begin(), record.end(), output_iterator);
void record_add()
    DrinkRecord d;
    cout << "n";
    cout << "Please enter the item no.: ";
    cin >> d.no;
    cout << "n";
    cout << "Please enter name of drink: ";
    cin >> d.name;
    cout << "n";
    cout << "Please enter the quantity: ";
    cin >> d.quantity;
    cout << "n";
    cout << "Please enter the unit price: ";
    cin >> d.price;
    cout << "n";
    ofstream myfile;
    myfile.open("Drinks.txt", ios::app | ios::out);
    cout << "n";
    myfile << d.no << "tt" << d.name << "tt" << d.quantity << "tt" << d.price << endl;
void record_view()
    cout << "n";
    cout << "ItemNo" << "tt" << "ItemName" << "t" << "Quantity" << "t" << "Unit Price" << endl;
    cout << "n";
    string getcontent;
    ifstream openfile("Drinks.txt");
    if (openfile.is_open())
        while (!openfile.eof())
            getline(openfile, getcontent);
            cout << getcontent << endl;

我已经设法做到了这一部分。但是在将新项目添加到饮料库存后,我现在遇到了排序问题。我的讲师告诉我将 txt 文件读入向量,然后对向量进行排序,然后显示结果。我似乎无法采取正确的步骤。任何帮助将不胜感激。我尝试过这样的事情。

void read_File() //Read the file into the vector function definition
    vector<string> logs;
    string line;

    cout << "Testing loading of file." << endl;
    ifstream myfile("Drinks.txt");
    if (myfile.is_open())
        while (!myfile.eof())
            getline(myfile, line);
            sort(line.begin(), line.end());
        cout << "Unable to open file." << endl;

似乎您在阅读每一行后正在排序。请注意,对sort的调用在循环内。这意味着在每次迭代(在您阅读的每一行之后)您都会调用sort .如果我正确理解了您的作业,您需要对文件中的所有行(logs)进行排序。如果是这样,那么这意味着您只需调用sort一次。而不是将行作为参数传递,您可能需要将logs向量作为参数传递给它,因为您想要对日志进行排序。

此外,sort(line.begin(), line.end()); 将根据字符串比较规则对向量中的字符串进行排序,但是,您需要根据第一列进行排序。


sort(line.begin(), line.end(), mycolumncomparator);
// Fill the below function correctly
bool mycolumncomparator(const std::string& i, const std:string& j) 
    // Read the first column from both strings
    // covert them into int using atoi
    // return (int1 < int2);

请参考这里: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/sort/
