在 c++ 中有 2 个类时,如何知道使用哪个类

How to know which class is used when having 2 classes in c++?

本文关键字:何知道 c++ 中有      更新时间:2023-10-16


    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    class one {
    int n;
    int m;
    one() { n = 5; m = 6; cout << "one one maden"; }
    one(int a, int b) {
      n = a;
      m = b;
      cout << "made one onen";
    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, one);
    ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, one a) {
    return os << a.n << '/' << a.m << '=' <<
     (a.n/a.m) << 'n';
    class two {
    one x;
    one y;
    two() { cout << "one two maden"; }
    two(int a, int b, int c, int d) {
      x = one(a, b);
      y = one(c, d);
      cout << "made one twon";
    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, two);
    ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, two a) {
    return os << a.x << a.y;
    int main() {
    two t1, t2(4, 2, 8, 3);
    cout << t1 << t2;
    one t3(5, 10), t4;
    cout << t3 << t4;
    return 0;

我不明白第一件事。当 main 调用第一个默认构造函数时two t1,为什么连续调用三次,然后它会调用t2(4, 2, 8, 3);





one one made
one one made
one two made
one one made
one one made
made one one
made one one
made one two


two t1;
one one made //t1.x; parameterless 'one' constructor called by default
one one made //t1.y; parameterless 'one' constructor called by default
one two made //t1; parameterless 'two' constructor
t2(4, 2, 8, 3)
one one made //t2.x; default constructor as variable not present in initialization list
one one made //t2.y; default constructor as variable not present in initialization list
made one one //x = one(a, b) executed now
made one one //y = one(c, d) executed now
made one two //t2(int..) constructer called

请注意,在 t2 的情况下,x 和 y 被构造两次,因为没有初始化列表。为避免这种情况,您可以使用:

two(int a, int b, int c, int d): x(a,b), y(c,d)
cout << "made one twon";


如果您仔细查看插入器友元函数,类 1 和类 2 都是按值而不是按引用传递的。 必须通过默认复制构造函数(尚未实现)创建临时实例。 如果要取消额外的实例化,请将插入器函数更改为以下内容:

friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, one &obj); 
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, two &obj); 

当我进一步查看时,两个有 2 个类型 1 的成员变量,所以你会看到更多的构造函数。

最后,像这样的测试类应该命名为Foo和bar。 一和二连自己都很难沟通。(恕我直言)

从 main 中的第一个对象开始。调用"one"的两个默认构造函数是因为类"two"有两个类"one"的对象,并且一个默认构造函数正常调用"Two"。


one one made
one one made
one two made
one one made
one one made
made one one
made one one
made one two
made one one
one one made

这对我来说非常有意义。我没有看到第一个对象调用 3 次的默认构造函数。


two t1, t2(4, 2, 8, 3);

对于 t1,它为类中定义的两个对象调用 one 的默认构造函数

two (one x and one y)

所以输出是"一个制造"和"一个制造"接下来,它执行两个的默认构造函数所以输出是"一二制造"接下来对于 T2,它再次为 X 和 Y 调用默认构造函数 1所以输出是"一个制造"和"一个制造"接下来它执行

x = one(a,b) and y =one(c,d)

所以现在它打印"做了一个"和"做了一个"现在在 two() 的构造函数中,正如我们"制作了一个二"一样,同样被打印出来......

cout << t1 << t2;
one t3(5, 10), t4;

对于这个语句,对于 t3,它调用 one 的构造函数并打印"make one one"对于 t4,它执行默认构造函数并打印"一个制造"

cout << t3 << t4;