
C++ Input and Output problems

本文关键字:出问题 输出 输入 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16

我的问题是,当我编译和运行程序时,随着循环的继续,小时没有列出 1,2,3 的"小时",而且每行的循环计算都相同。


计算是错误的,小时假设为 1,2...5



int main()
    // Variables 
    int speed; 
    int time; 
    int distance; 
    // Obtain the speed

    cout << "Please input the speed of the vehicle  " ;
        cin >> speed;
  while(speed < 0) // while statement  
   cout << "Please refrain from using a negative number   ";
        cin >> speed;
     cout << "Please enter the time, represented in hours, travelled" <<endl;
     cin >> time;
   // Obtain the time
       while(speed < 1) 
       cout<< "Please use a number greater than 1 " <<endl;
       cin >> time;
    // Calculation
    distance = speed * time;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Hour(s) " << "t" << "Distance Travelled" << endl;
    cout << "____________________________________________" << endl;
    // "for" Loop statement
    for(int count =1; count <= time; count++)
        cout << " " << "tt" << speed*time << endl;

system ("PAUSE");
return 0;

当您在 for 循环中打印时,速度 = 20 且时间 = 5 始终,因此它始终打印 100(在您给出的示例中)。



cout << count << "tt" << speed*count << endl;


        // Variables 
        int speed; 
        int time; 
        int distance; 
        // Obtain the speed

        cout << "Please input the speed of the vehicle  " ;
        cin >> speed;
      while(speed < 0) // while statement  
       cout << "Please refrain from using a negative number   ";
            cin >> speed;
      cout << "Please enter the time, represented in hours, travelled ";
      cin >> time;
       // Obtain the time
           while(speed < 1) 
           cout<< "Please use a number greater than 1 ";
           cin >> time;
        // Calculation

        cout << endl;
        cout << "Hour(s) " << "t" << "Distance Travelled" << endl;
        cout << "____________________________________________" << endl;
        // "for" Loop statement
        for(int count =1; count <= time; count++)
            cout << count << "tt" << speed * count << endl;

    system ("PAUSE");
    return 0;