
Perceptron converging but returning odd results

本文关键字:结果 返回 感知      更新时间:2023-10-16

我在 c++ 中制作了一个简单的感知器来研究 AI,即使按照一本书(pt_br),我也无法让我的感知器返回预期的结果,我试图调试并找到错误,但我没有成功。

我的算法和门结果(A 和 B = Y):

0 && 0 = 0 
0 && 1 = 1
1 && 0 = 1
1 && 1 = 1






int signal(float &sin){
    if(sin < 0)
        return 0;
    if(sin > 1)
        return 1;
    return round(sin);

感知器结构(W 是权重):

struct perceptron{
    float w[3];


perceptron startTraining(){
    //- Random factory generator
    long int t = static_cast<long int>(time(NULL));
    std::mt19937 gen;
    gen.seed(std::random_device()() + t);
    std::uniform_real_distribution<float> dist(0.0, 1.0);
    //-- Samples (-1 | x | y)
    float t0[][3] = {{-1,0,0},
    //-- Expected result
    short d [] = {0,0,0,1};
    perceptron per;
    per.w[0] = dist(gen);
    per.w[1] = dist(gen);
    per.w[2] = dist(gen);
    //-- print random numbers
    cout <<"INIT "<< "W0: " << per.w[0]  <<" W1: " << per.w[1] << " W2: " << per.w[2] << endl;
    const float n = 0.1; // Lerning rate N
    int saida =0;        // Output Y
    long int epo = 0;    // Simple Couter
    bool erro = true;    // Loop control
        erro = false;
        for (int amost = 0; amost < 4; ++amost) {           // Repeat for the number of samples x0=-1, x1,x2
            float u=0;                                      // Variable for the somatory
            for (int entrad = 0; entrad < 3; ++entrad) {    // repeat for every sinaptic weight W0=θ , W1, W2
                u = u + (per.w[entrad] * t0[amost][entrad]);// U <- Weights * Inputs
            // u=u-per.w[0];                                // some references sau to take θ and subtract from U, i tried but without success
            saida = signal(u);                              // returns 1 or 0
            cout << d[amost] << " <- esperado | encontrado ->   "<< saida<< endl;
            if(saida != d[amost]){                          // if the output is not equal to the expected value
                for (int ajust = 0; ajust < 3; ++ajust) {
                    per.w[ajust] = per.w[ajust] + n * (d[amost] - saida) * t0[amost][ajust]; // W <- W + ɳ * ((d - y) x) where
                    erro = true;                                                             // W: Weights, ɳ: Learning rate
                }                                                                            // d: Desired outputs, y: outputs
            }                                                                                // x: samples
    cout << "Epocas(Loops): " << epo << endl;
    return per;


int main()
    perceptron per = startTraining();
    cout << "fim" << endl;
    cout << "W0: " << per.w[0]  <<" W1: " << per.w[1] << " W2: " << per.w[2] << endl;
        int x,y;
        cin >> x >> y;
        float u=0;
        u = (per.w[1] * x);
        u = u + (per.w[2] * y);
        cout << signal(u) << endl;

    return 0;


float u = 0.0f;
u += (per.w[0] * float (-1));
u += (per.w[1] * float (x));
u += (per.w[2] * float (y));

问题是你用三个输入训练感知器,第一个是硬连接到"-1"(使第一个权重w[0]表现得像一个恒定的"偏差")。因此,在你的训练函数中,你的u是所有三个权重输入乘积的总和。但是,在您发布的 main() 中,您完全省略了 w[0],从而产生了错误的结果。
