
Reading numeric data of different types from a file in C++

本文关键字:同类型 数字 数据 读取 C++ 文件      更新时间:2023-10-16


1   436.514    0.587    8.318   1  3        8 0.929        7 0.972        2 1.440
2   436.004    0.744    7.020   1  3       10 1.117        9 1.155        1 1.440
3   436.263    0.603    5.029   2  1        9 0.916
4   437.966    0.594    6.086   2  1        9 0.835
5   434.577    1.454    5.820   2  1       10 0.898
6   433.990    1.139    7.596   2  1       10 0.919
7   437.917    0.102    8.485   4  3        1 0.972       11 1.503       12 1.428
8   435.617    0.849    9.510   4  3       13 1.463        1 0.929       14 1.490
9   436.839    0.691    5.880   4  3        4 0.835        3 0.916        2 1.155
10   434.623    1.036    6.798   4  3        6 0.919        5 0.898        2 1.117
11   438.321   39.569    9.683   3  1        7 1.503
12   438.614   39.463    7.420   3  1        7 1.428
13   434.384    1.154    9.304   3  1        8 1.463

问题是我无法转换这些值,这些值在称为 line 的变量中读取为字符串,然后存储到由空格分隔的单独字符数组中。但我的问题是我无法使用 std C++函数将这些值转换为适当的类型。


例如:在第一行中,第一个值是 int,后跟 3 个浮点数,然后是 int,依此类推。而且,每行中的值数量也不是恒定的。因此,我无法将它们转换为所需的类型。我已经尝试了lexical_cast,如果值与预定义的类型不同,则无法转换值。

例如:如果我有 让我们说

str = "123";
float num = lexical_cast<float>(str)



while (i < line.length()){
            if (line[i] != ' '){
                    a[j++] = line[i++];
                    if (i == line.length()){
                            a[j] = '';
                    ------->int num = std::stoi(a);
                            std::cout << num << "  ";
                    a[j] = ''; j = 0;
        ----------->float num = std::stof(a);
                    std::cout << num << "  ";
                    while (line[i] == ' ') i++;


注意:我无法在考虑其类型的情况下手动插入每个变量,因为行数为 100000。所以这是不可能的。


仍然想向公众展示,如果您使用知道如何投影到 AST 数据类型的分析器生成器,代码会变得多么优雅。下面是一个 Spirit 示例,它会自动处理所有转换为line_rec所在的vector<line_rec>

struct line_record {
    int   a;
    float b, c, d;
    int   e;
    // column f is rest.size()
    std::vector<std::pair<int, float> > rest;



#include <boost/fusion/include/adapted.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
struct line_record {
    int   a;
    float b, c, d;
    int   e;
    // column f is rest.size()
    std::vector<std::pair<int, float> > rest;
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(line_record, a, b, c, d, e/*, f*/, rest)

// define a Spirit Grammar
using Iterator = boost::spirit::istream_iterator;
namespace parser {
    static auto const line = [] {
        using namespace boost::spirit::qi;
        _a_type number_of_pairs;
        rule<Iterator, line_record(), locals<unsigned> > line_parser;
        return line_parser %= skip(blank) [
                    int_ >> float_ >> float_ >> float_ >> 
                    int_ >> omit[ uint_ [ number_of_pairs = _1 ] ] >> 
                    repeat(number_of_pairs) [ int_ >> float_ ] >>
#include <fstream>
int main() {
    using namespace std;
    ifstream ifs("input.txt");
    Iterator first(ifs >> noskipws), last;
    vector<line_record> all_data;
    if (parse(first, last, *parser::line, all_data))
        cout << "Parsed " << all_data.size() << " linesn";
        for (auto& rec : all_data) {
            cout << rec.a << "t"
                 << rec.b << "t" << rec.c << "t" << rec.d << "t"
                 << rec.e << "t"
                 << rec.rest.size();
            for (auto& trailing : rec.rest)
                cout << "t(" << trailing.first << ", " << trailing.second << ")";
            cout << "n";
    } else {
        cout << "Parse failedn";
    if (first != last) {
        cout << "Remaining input: '" << string(first, last) << "'n";



Parsed 13 lines
1   436.514 0.587   8.318   1   3   (8, 0.929)  (7, 0.972)  (2, 1.44)
2   436.004 0.744   7.02    1   3   (10, 1.117) (9, 1.155)  (1, 1.44)
3   436.263 0.603   5.029   2   1   (9, 0.916)
4   437.966 0.594   6.086   2   1   (9, 0.835)
5   434.577 1.454   5.82    2   1   (10, 0.898)
6   433.99  1.139   7.596   2   1   (10, 0.919)
7   437.917 0.102   8.485   4   3   (1, 0.972)  (11, 1.503) (12, 1.428)
8   435.617 0.849   9.51    4   3   (13, 1.463) (1, 0.929)  (14, 1.49)
9   436.839 0.691   5.88    4   3   (4, 0.835)  (3, 0.916)  (2, 1.155)
10  434.623 1.036   6.798   4   3   (6, 0.919)  (5, 0.898)  (2, 1.117)
11  438.321 39.569  9.683   3   1   (7, 1.503)
12  438.614 39.463  7.42    3   1   (7, 1.428)
13  434.384 1.154   9.304   3   1   (8, 1.463)


struct Data
    int a;
    float b, c, d;
    int e, f;
    std::vector<std::pair<int, float>> g;

int main()
    int line_num = 0;
    std::vector<Data> all_data;
    if (std::ifstream in(filename))
        std::string line;
        while (getline(in, line))
            std::istringstream iss(line);
            Data data;
            if (iss >> data.a >> data.b >> data.c >> data.d
                    >> data.e >> data.f)
                int i; float f;
                while (iss >> i >> f)
                    data.g.push_back(std::make_pair(i, f));
                std::cerr << "unable to parse mandatory fields "
                    "from line #" << line_num << " '" << line
                    << "', ignoring and continuing...n"; 
        ... use all_data for whatever analysis you want...
        std::cerr << "unable to open filen";


  • 逐行读取,然后使用istringstream解析值
  • 使用额外的循环来读取 - 行尾出现多对 int/float

您可以尝试使用 ifstream.getline() 和 sscanf 的组合来处理该文件,它告诉它在字符串中找到了多少匹配项。

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdio>
int main(void)
    double a, b, c, d, e, f;
    int i, j, k, l, m, n;
    char buffer[160];
    std::ifstream file;
    while (!file.eof()) {
        // check if this fails
        file.getline(buffer, 160);
        if (file.eof()) break;
        a = b = c = d = e = f = 0.0;
        i = j = k = l = m = n = 0;
        int res = sscanf(buffer,
                         "%d %lf %lf %lf %d %d %d %lf %d %lf %d %lf",
                         &i, &a, &b, &c, &j, &k, &l, &d, &m, &e, &n, &f);
        std::cout << "Got " << res << " fields" << std::endl;