
How to use the overloading operator > in a function

本文关键字:运算符 重载 gt 函数      更新时间:2023-10-16


int MaxPrice(Container & A, string name) // finds an element number with maximum price of a book
int max = 0, n = A.GetN();
while (max < n && A[max].GetName() != name)
if (max == n)
return -1;
Book maxBook = A[max];
for (int i = max; i < n; i++)
if (A[i] > maxBook) {
maxBook = A[i];
max = i;
return max;


double MaxPrice(Books & A, string nm) // finds maximum price of a book
    double maxPric = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < A.Get(); i++)
        if (A.Get(i).GetName() == pv && A.Get(i).GetPrice() > maxPric)
            maxPric = A.Get(i).GetPrice();
    return maxPric;


class Book
    string publisher;   // book publisher
    string name;        // name of a book
    int quantity;       // quantity of a book
    double price;       // price of one book
    Book(): publisher(""), name(""), quantity(1), price(0.0) { }
    Book(string publish, string nam, int quantit, double pric): 
        publisher(publish), name(nam), quantity(quantit), price(pric) { }
    ~Book() { }
    void Set(string pu, string na, int qu, double pr);
    void SetName(string pu);
    void SetPrice(double pr);
    string GetPublisher() { return publisher; };
    string GetName() { return name; };
    int GetQuantity() { return quantity; };
    double GetPrice() { return price; };

    bool operator > (const Book & next);
void Book::Set(string pu, string na, int qu, double pr)
    publisher = pu;
    name = na;
    quantity = qu;
    price = pr;
void Book::SetName(string na)
    name= na;
void Book::SetPrice(double pr)
    price = pr;
bool Book::operator > (const Book & next)
    return (price > next.price);

class Books
    static const int Cn = 100;  // maximum number of books
    Book K[Cn]; // books data
    int n;          // quantity of books
    Books(): n(0) { }
    ~Books() { }
    int Get() // returns quantity of books
    { return n; };  
        void Set(Book new)  // add a new book to array of books 
    { K[n++] = new; }       // and pluses one to quantity of books
    Book Get(int ind)   // returns object by index
    { return K[ind]; }
    double Sum();
double Books::Sum()
    double sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        sum += K[i].GetPrice();
    return sum;


class Book
    string publisher;   // book publisher
    string name;        // name of a book
    int quantity;       // quantity of a book
    double price; 


bool operator> ( const Book& book )
  return name > book.name ;

您正确地重载了operator >。在Book中加载运算符后,可以像book1 > book2一样使用它

double MaxPrice(Books & A) // finds maximum price of a book
    if(A.Get() == 0) return -1;
    Book curExpensiveBook = A.Get(0);
    for (int i = 1; i < A.Get(); i++)
        if(A.Get(i) > curExpensiveBook) //Compare directly by using >
            curExpensiveBook = A.Get(i);
    return curExpensiveBook.GetPrice();


void Set(Book new)  // add a new book to array of books 
    { K[n++] = new; }


void Set(Book newBook)  // add a new book to array of books 
        { K[n++] = newBook; }
