如何包装返回 boost::optional 的 C++ 函数<T>?

How to wrap a C++ function that returns boost::optional<T>?

本文关键字:C++ 函数 gt lt optional 何包装 包装 boost 返回      更新时间:2023-10-16


class Foo {
    boost::optional<T> func();


    .def("func", func, return_value_policy<return_boost_optional???>);


    .def("func", func, return_value_policy<return_by_value>());



ResultConverter概念就是为了解决这个问题而设计的。return_value_policy CallPolicy模型使用ResultConverterGenerator创建ResultConverter,ResultConverter用于修改向Python公开的函数的返回值。在这种情况下,可以使用实现ResultConverter概念的自定义类型来返回Python None或使用适当的Python类实例化对象。虽然文档列出了所有类型的要求,但使用更类似的代码可能更容易理解:

/// @brief The ResultConverterGenerator.
struct result_converter_generator
  template <typename T>
  struct apply
    struct result_converter
      // Must be default constructible.
      // Return true if T can be converted to a Python Object.
      bool convertible();
      // Convert obj to a PyObject, explicitly managing proper reference
      // counts.
      PyObject* operator(const T& obj);
      // Returns the Python object that represents the type.  Used for
      // documentation.
      const PyTypeObject* get_pytype();
    /// @brief The ResultConverter.
    typedef result_converter type;


#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/integral_constant.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/in_place_factory.hpp>
/// @brief Mockup model.
class spam {};
/// @brief Mockup factory for model.
boost::optional<spam> make_spam(bool x)
  return x ? boost::optional<spam>(boost::in_place()) : boost::none;
namespace detail {
/// @brief Type trait that determines if the provided type is
///        a boost::optional.
template <typename T>
struct is_optional : boost::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct is_optional<boost::optional<T> > : boost::true_type {};
/// @brief Type used to provide meaningful compiler errors.
template <typename>
struct return_optional_requires_a_optional_return_type {};
/// @brief ResultConverter model that converts a boost::optional object to
///        Python None if the object is empty (i.e. boost::none) or defers
///        to Boost.Python to convert object to a Python object.
template <typename T>
struct to_python_optional
  /// @brief Only supports converting Boost.Optional types.
  /// @note This is checked at runtime.
  bool convertible() const { return detail::is_optional<T>::value; }
  /// @brief Convert boost::optional object to Python None or a
  ///        Boost.Python object.
  PyObject* operator()(const T& obj) const
    namespace python = boost::python;
    python::object result =
      obj                      // If boost::optional has a value, then
        ? python::object(*obj) // defer to Boost.Python converter.
        : python::object();    // Otherwise, return Python None.
    // The python::object contains a handle which functions as
    // smart-pointer to the underlying PyObject.  As it will go
    // out of scope, explicitly increment the PyObject's reference
    // count, as the caller expects a non-borrowed (i.e. owned) reference.
    return python::incref(result.ptr());
  /// @brief Used for documentation.
  const PyTypeObject* get_pytype() const { return 0; }
} // namespace detail
/// @brief Converts a boost::optional to Python None if the object is
///        equal to boost::none.  Otherwise, defers to the registered
///        type converter to returs a Boost.Python object.
struct return_optional 
  template <class T> struct apply
    // The to_python_optional ResultConverter only checks if T is convertible
    // at runtime.  However, the following MPL branch cause a compile time
    // error if T is not a boost::optional by providing a type that is not a
    // ResultConverter model.
    typedef typename boost::mpl::if_<
    >::type type;
  }; // apply
};   // return_optional
  namespace python = boost::python;
  python::def("make_spam", &make_spam,


>>> import example
>>> assert(isinstance(example.make_spam(True), example.Spam))
>>> assert(example.make_spam(False) is None)

return_optional ResultConvert试图与返回非boost::optional值的函数一起使用时,将进行编译时类型检查。例如,当使用以下内容时:

struct egg {};
egg* make_egg();
  namespace python = boost::python;
  python::def("make_egg", &make_egg,


错误:中没有名为"get_pytype"的成员'详细信息::return_optional_requires_a_optional_return_type<鸡蛋*> '