
opencv: understanding cvsetcaptureproperty function and argument

本文关键字:参数 函数 cvsetcaptureproperty 理解 opencv      更新时间:2023-10-16


int cvSetCaptureProperty(CvCapture* capture, int property_id, double value)


void onTrackSlide(int pos)
    cvSetCaptureProperty(cap, CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, pos);


cvCreateTrackbar("position", "example3", &slider, frames, onTrackSlide);



#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
//#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
int slider=0;
CvCapture* cap = NULL;
void onTrackSlide(int pos)
    cvSetCaptureProperty(cap, CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, pos);

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    cvNamedWindow("example3", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
    cap = cvCreateFileCapture(argv[1]);
    int frames = (int)cvGetCaptureProperty(cap, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT);
    if (frames != 0)
        cvCreateTrackbar("position", "example3", &slider, frames, onTrackSlide);
    IplImage* frame;
    while (1)
        frame = cvQueryFrame(cap);
        if (!frame)break;
        cvShowImage("example3", frame);
        char c = cvWaitKey(33);
        if (c == 27)  break;


C++:int createTrackbar(常量字符串和trackbarname,常量字符串和winname,int*值,int计数,TrackbarCallback onChange=0,void*userdata=0)

C:int cvCreateTrackbar(const char*trackbar_name,const char*window_name,int*value,int count,CvTrackbarCallback on_change=NULL


onChange–指向每次滑块更改位置时要调用的函数的指针。此函数应原型化为void Foo(int,void*);,其中第一个参数是跟踪条位置


void onTrackSlide(int pos)
    // pos is the current trackbar position

由CCD_ 5内部回叫系统调用。每次移动轨迹条时,都会使用新的pos值调用回调。


void onTrackSlide() 
    int pos; 
    cvSetCaptureProperty(cap, CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, pos); 




#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/videoio/videoio_c.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;

//First we defi ne a global variable for the slider position.
int g_slider_position = 0;

    cv::VideoCapture::VideoCapture  (   const String &  filename    )
    Open video file or a capturing device or a IP video stream for video capturing with API Preference.
    Parameters: filename    it can be:
    1- name of video file (eg. video.avi)
    2- or image sequence (eg. img_%02d.jpg, which will read samples like img_00.jpg, img_01.jpg, img_02.jpg, ...)
    3- or URL of video stream (eg. protocol://host:port/script_name?script_params|auth)
    4- or GStreamer pipeline string in gst-launch tool format in case if GStreamer is used as backend Note that each video stream
       or IP camera feed has its own URL scheme. Please refer to the documentation of source stream to know the right URL.
VideoCapture capture("../../videos/Mahrez.mp4"); //put your own video path.
Mat img;
Now we defi ne a callback routine to be used when the user pokes the slider.
function to be called every time the slider changes position.This function should be prototyped as void Foo(int, void*);, 
where the first parameter is the trackbar position and the second parameter is the user data.
void onTrackbarSlide(int position, void* data)
    CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES indicates that we would like to set the read position
    in units of frames. (We can use AVI_RATIO instead of FRAMES if we want to set the position as a fraction of the overall video length).
    Finally, we pass in the new value of the position.
    capture.set(CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, position);
int main()
    namedWindow("Video_Slider", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
    cv::VideoCapture::get (int propId)  In this case, we want to find out how many frames are in the video
    so that we can calibrate the slider (in the next step).
    int frames = (int) capture.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT);
    if (frames != 0)
        createTrackbar("Trackbar", "Video_Slider", &g_slider_position, frames, onTrackbarSlide);
    while (true)
        We then wait for 25 ms.* If the user hits a key, then c will be set to the ASCII value of that key;
        if not, then it will be set to –1. If the user hits the Esc key (ASCII 27), then we will exit the read loop.
        Otherwise, 25 ms will pass and we will just execute the loop again.
        We can control the speed of the video by adjusting the waitKey(25). It waits 25 ms to read the next frame.
        char c = waitKey(25);
        if (c == 27) break;
        bool bSuccess =; // read a new frame from video 
        //Breaking the while loop at the end of the video
        if (bSuccess == false) break;
         The imshow() function requires that a named window already exist(created by cvNamedWindow()).
        imshow("Video_Slider", img);
        void cv::setTrackbarPos (const String & trackbarname, const String & winname, int position) 
        This function sets the position of the specified trackbar in the specified window.
        setTrackbarPos("Trackbar", "Video_Slider", g_slider_position);
        // Increment the slider position after reading each frame.
    return 0;