Visual C++程序提前退出

Visual C++ program exits prematurely

本文关键字:退出 程序 C++ Visual      更新时间:2023-10-16


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//Global Declarations of Variables
double iovertime_hours = 0, iovertime_pay = 0, iovertime_extra = 0;
int ihours, iwage;
string cname;
int main()
    //Enter Employee Information
    cout << "nnEnter the employee name = ";
    cin >> cname;
    cout << "Enter the hours worked  = ";
    cin >> ihours;
    cout << "Enter his or her hourly wage = ";
    cin >> iwage;
    // Determine if hours are greater than 40 
    if (ihours < 40)
        //Do Calculations
        iovertime_hours = ihours + 40;
        iovertime_pay = iwage - 1.5;
        iovertime_extra = iovertime_hours*iovertime_pay;
        // Display Employee Details
        cout << "nn";
        cout << "Employee Name ............. = " << cname << endl;
            cout << "Base Pay .................. = " << iwage * 40 << endl;
        cout << "Hours in Overtime ......... = " << iovertime_hours << endl;
        cout << "Overtime Pay Amout......... = " << iovertime_extra << endl;
        cout << "Total Pay ................. = " << iovertime_extra+(40*iwage) << endl;
    else // Else hours are less than 40 hours
        cout << "nn";
        cout << "Employee Name ............. = " << cname << endl;
        cout << "Base Pay .................. = " << iwage*40 << endl;
            cout << "Hours in Overtime ......... = " << iovertime_hours << endl;
        cout << "Overtime Pay Amout......... = " << iovertime_extra << endl;
        cout << "Total Pay ................. = " << iovertime_extra + (40 * iwage) << endl;
    } // End of the primary if statement 
    return 0;
} //End of Int Main


int z;
cin >> z;
