
Why do all elements for the array object class repeat last entered data C++

本文关键字:输入 C++ 数据 元素 对象 数组 为什么      更新时间:2023-10-16


BankAccount::BankAccount() :  customers()
void BankAccount::work()
for (int x = 0; x < accountAmount; x++)
    bool t = true;
    string theName, sT;
    double balance, iRate;
    cout << "Enter the name for account " << x + 1 << endl;
    cin >> theName;
    while (t)
        if (t == false)
        cout << "Bank Account type: Checking or Saving" << endl;
        cin >> sT;
        string s;
        s = sT.substr(0, 1);
        if (s == "c")
            sT = "Checking Account ";
            cout << "Input checking balance: ";
            cin >> balance;
            iRate = 0.02;
            constAcct(theName, balance, iRate, sT); // This is where customers is constructed and data is imput from parameters
            t = false;
        else if (s == "s")
            sT = "Savings Account ";
            cout << "Input saving balance: ";
            cin >> balance;
            iRate = 0.07;
            constAcct(theName, balance, iRate, sT); // The constructed object
            t = false;
            cout << "Error, enter checking or saving!" << endl;
display(); // This is the display function to display all constructed objects of customers
// This is the display function
void BankAccount::display()
for (int i = 0; i < accountAmount; i++)
    cout << customers[i]->getAcctNum() << " " << customers[i]->getName() << " " << customers[i]->getType() << " " << customers[i]->getRate()
                    << " " << customers[i]->getBalance();
// This is the constructor that will build each customers element as customer data
BankAccount::BankAccount(string* nam, int* acctNumber, double* balanc, double* rat, string* typ)
rate = rat;
account = acctNumber;
name = nam;
type = typ;
bal = balanc;
void BankAccount::deleteStuff()
delete name, type, bal, rate, account, customers;
// This constructs each customers element
void BankAccount::constAcct(string n, double ba, double r, string t)
nameS = n;
balD = ba;
rateD = r;
typeS = t;
name = &nameS;
account = &acctNumber;
rate = &rateD;
bal = &balD;
type = &typeS;
for (int i = 0; i < accountAmount; i++)
    BankAccount* b = new BankAccount(name, account, bal, rate, type);
    customers[i] = b;


// This is where customers is constructed and data is imput from parameters    
constAcct(theName, balance, iRate, sT);


for (int i = 0; i < accountAmount; i++)
    BankAccount* b = new BankAccount(name, account, bal, rate, type);
    customers[i] = b;

您正在使用由相同参数构建的new BankAccount重写customers数组中的所有条目(无论上一个参数是什么)。


customers[lastAccountIndex++] = new BankAccount(name, account, bal, rate, type);
