
Struct in Vector, a vector include 8000 members

本文关键字:向量 一个 包含 8000个 成员 Vector      更新时间:2023-10-16

我在构建8000行向量时遇到了一些问题。每行是一个包含5列的结构。我不确定C++有什么没有响应甚至错误消息。。。它只是说"线程‘Win32线程’(0x3b48)已退出,代码为-103741510(0xc000013a)。线程"Win32线程"(0x309c)已退出,代码为-103741510(0xc000013a)。程序"[13048]Branch Filter Vector.exe:Native"已退出,代码为-103741510(0xc000013a)。"


#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct branch {
    long int FromBusNum;
    string FromBusName;
    double FromBusVoltage;
    long int ToBusNum;
    string ToBusName; 


int main()
  vector<branch> myBranch(8000);
  ifstream infile;
  long int x1;
    string x2;
    double x3;
    long int x4;
    string x5; 
  int num = 0; // num must start at 0
     if(infile.fail()) // checks to see if file opended 
      cout << "error" << endl; 
      return 1; // no point continuing if the file didn't open...
     string dummyLine; //do not read in the first line 
     getline(infile, dummyLine);
       while(!infile.eof()) // reads file to end of *file*, not line


             infile>>x1 >> x2 >> x3 >> x4
                >> x5  ;
            myBranch[num].FromBusNum = x1;
            myBranch[num].FromBusName = x2;
            myBranch[num].FromBusVoltage = x3;
            myBranch[num].ToBusNum = x4;
            myBranch[num].ToBusName = x5;
         ++num; // go to the next number

  ofstream fout("valency.txt");
    for(int i=0;i<num;i++)
  return 0; // everything went right.


发布的代码有一些"损坏的部分"。我首先修复了"不要在循环中推回",作为常见的"这就是你应该做的",将infile >> x1 >> ...移动到while条件中。这有几个好处:

  1. 它不会多次运行循环(因为您读取了最后一整行,然后再运行一次迭代,因为只有当代码试图读取文件末尾的PAST时才会检测到EOF)
  2. 如果数据未能正确读取(例如,某个应该是数字的东西中有字母),代码将停止读取数据。这可能不是一个奇妙的解决方案,但它比"永远循环"要好,如果你只检测到EOF,就会出现这种情况,因为当试图读取错误的东西时,处理不会进行——它只是在那一点上停止读取,所有其他输入值都会被跳过。这往往会带来一个无休止的循环,因为不再发生阅读,也永远达不到EOF。我怀疑这就是注释中达到20000+数字的原因——输入文本中存在某种错误(例如,字符串中的空格使下一个输入不同步)
  3. 它有点短/不那么复杂(节省代码空间)。这确实是一件小事,但无论如何都不是缺点



#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct branch {
    long int FromBusNum;
    string FromBusName;
    double FromBusVoltage;
    long int ToBusNum;
    string ToBusName; 

int main()
    vector<branch> myBranch(8000);
    ifstream infile;
    long int x1;
    string x2;
    double x3;
    long int x4;
    string x5; 
    int num = 0; // num must start at 0
    if(infile.fail()) // checks to see if file opended 
    cout << "error" << endl; 
    return 1; // no point continuing if the file didn't open...
    string dummyLine; //do not read in the first line 
    getline(infile, dummyLine);
    while(infile>>x1 >> x2 >> x3 >> x4 >> x5) // reads file to end of *file*, not line
    myBranch[num].FromBusNum = x1;
    myBranch[num].FromBusName = x2;
    myBranch[num].FromBusVoltage = x3;
    myBranch[num].ToBusNum = x4;
    myBranch[num].ToBusName = x5;
    ++num; // go to the next number
    ofstream fout("data.out");
    if (fout.fail())
    cout << "Error on outfile" << endl;
    return 2;
    for(auto v : myBranch)
    fout << v.FromBusNum  << " "
         << v.FromBusName << " "
         << v.FromBusVoltage << " "
         << v.ToBusNum << " " 
         << v.ToBusName << endl;
    cout << "num=" << num << endl;
    return 0; // everything went right.
