
C++ creating template specialisation in a typelist

本文关键字:建模 专业化 创建 类型 列表 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16


template<typename tag_type>
struct tag{
    typedef tag_type type;
    enum { value = -1 }






template <typename H, typename T>
struct typelist {
    typedef H head;
    typedef T tail;
template <typename T, typename List, int N>
struct typelist_index_i
    typedef typename List::tail tail;
    enum {
        value = N + typelist_index_i<T, tail, N + 1>::value
template <typename List, int N>
struct typelist_index_i<typename List::tail, List, N>
    enum {
        value = N + 1
template <typename List, int N>
struct typelist_index_i<typename List::head, List, N>
    enum {
        value = N
template <typename T, typename List>
struct typelist_index
    enum {
        value = typelist_index_i<T, List, 0>::value
class A {};
class B {};
class C {};
typedef typelist<A, typelist<B, C> > the_types;
template<typename tag_type>
struct tag{
    typedef tag_type type;
    enum { value = typelist_index<tag_type, the_types>::value };
int main()
    std::cout << tag<A>::value << std::endl; // 0
    std::cout << tag<B>::value << std::endl; // 1
    std::cout << tag<C>::value << std::endl; // 2
    return 0;


template<typename tag_type>
struct tag {
    typedef tag_type type;
    int value;
    // other info can go here, like a string representation of the class name
    tag(void) {
#define ADD_CLASS(tag_type) tag<tag_type> __g_tag_ ## tag_type
extern int __g_class_counter;
template<typename tag_type>
static inline void register_class(tag<tag_type> *ptag) {
    ptag->value = __g_class_counter++;
    // TODO: anything else
// in some CPP file
int __g_class_counter = 0;



template <int, class...>
struct index_of;
template <int n, class type, class first, class ... types>
struct index_of<n, type, first, types...>
        static constexpr int value = index_of<n+1, type, types...>::value;
template <int n, class type, class ... types>
struct index_of<n, type, type, types...>
        static constexpr int value = n;
template <int n, class type>
struct index_of<n, type>
        static constexpr int value = -1;
template <class ... types>
struct type_list
        template <class type>
        struct tag
            static constexpr int value = index_of<0, type, types...>::value;


using my_list = type_list<int, float, double>;
std::cout << "Tag of int: " << my_list::tag<int>::value << std::endl;