
boost-libs failed to be built

本文关键字:boost      更新时间:2023-10-16

在源代码安装boost-libs(链接到cvs repo)期间,我在bmake(我使用的包管理器pkgsrc中使用的make)的长输出的最后得到以下内容,构建似乎失败了:

...skipped <pbin.v2/libs/wave/build/gcc-4.4.2/release/link-static/threading-multi>libboost_wave.a for lack of <pbin.v2/libs/wave/build/gcc-4.4.2/release/link-static/threading-multi>instantiate_cpp_exprgrammar.o...
...skipped <pstage/lib>libboost_wave.a for lack of <pbin.v2/libs/wave/build/gcc-4.4.2/release/link-static/threading-multi>libboost_wave.a...
...failed updating 181 targets...
...skipped 280 targets...
*** Error code 1
bmake: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/devel/boost-libs
*** Error code 1


g++: unrecognized option '-pthread'
./boost/cstdint.hpp:74: error: 'intleast8_t' in namespace '::' does not name a type
./boost/cstdint.hpp:76: error: 'uintleast8_t' in namespace '::' does not name a type
./boost/chrono/detail/inlined/posix/chrono.hpp:23: error: '::clock_gettime' has not been declared
./boost/chrono/detail/inlined/posix/chrono.hpp:36: error: '::clock_gettime' has not been declared
./boost/chrono/detail/inlined/posix/process_cpu_clocks.hpp:31: error: '::sysconf' has not been declared
./boost/chrono/detail/inlined/posix/process_cpu_clocks.hpp:31: error: '_SC_CLK_TCK' was not declared in this scope
/usr/qnx650/host/qnx6/x86/usr/bin/ntox86-ld: cannot find -lrt
./boost/smart_ptr/detail/yield_k.hpp:123: error: 'nanosleep' was not declared in this scope
./boost/thread/pthread/timespec.hpp:84: error: '::clock_gettime' has not been declared
./boost/thread/pthread/mutex.hpp:275: error: 'boost::chrono::steady_clock' has not been declared
libs/filesystem/src/operations.cpp: In function 'bool<unnamed>::remove_directory(const boost::filesystem::path&)':
libs/filesystem/src/operations.cpp:345: error: '::rmdir' has not been declared
libs/filesystem/src/operations.cpp:348: error: '::unlink' has not been declared
libs/filesystem/src/operations.cpp:427: error: no matching function for call to 'stat::stat(const char*, stat*)'
libs/filesystem/src/operations.cpp:1003: error: '::symlink' has not been declared



使用QNX 6.5.0 SDP SP1


更新)回复@Igor R的评论。在许多像这样发现的stdint.h中:

# find /usr -iname 'stdint.h'


# more /usr/include/stdint.h
#if defined(__EXT_QNX)
 * These types are deprecated and applications should use the
 * int_/uint_ types defined below.
typedef _Intleast8t             intleast8_t;
typedef _Uintleast8t            uintleast8_t;


#ifdef __QNX__
// QNX (Dinkumware stdlib) defines these as non-standard names.
// Reflect to the standard names.
typedef ::intleast8_t int_least8_t;
typedef ::intfast8_t int_fast8_t;


9 9   # endif 
10 10    
11    - #ifdef __QNX__ 
11    + #if defined(__QNX__) && defined(__EXT_QNX) 
12 12    
13 13   // QNX (Dinkumware stdlib) defines these as non-standard names. 
