
Function taking an array filled with structures, and returning a bigger array with the same structures

本文关键字:一个 数组 结构 返回 满结构 函数      更新时间:2023-10-16
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct FriendInfo
        string name;
        int last_day;
FriendInfo GrowArray(FriendInfo friend_list,int sizing);
int main()
    int initial_friends;
    cout << "How many friends would you like to add--> ";
    cin >> initial_friends;
    FriendInfo friends[initial_friends];
    for (int i = 0; i < initial_friends;i++)
        cout << "What is your friend's name?--> ";
        cin >> friends[i].name;
        cout << "When was the last time you talked to " << friends[i].name << " ?--> ";
        cin >> friends[i].last_day;
    for (int i = 0; i < initial_friends;i++)
        cout << friends[i].name << " " << friends[i].last_day << "n";
    cout << "What would you like to do now?n1. Add another friend?n2. Update one of yourfriends?n3. Sort friends by day?4. Quit.n--> ";
    int option;
    cin >> option;
    while (option != 4)
        if (option == 1)
            friends = GrowArray(friends,initial_friends);
            cout << "What is your new friend's name?--> ";
            cin >> friends[initial_friends].name;
            cout << "When was the last time you talked to " << friends[initial_friends].name << " ?--> ";
            cin >> friends[initial_friends].last_day;
FriendInfo GrowArray(FriendInfo friend_list, int sizing)
     FriendInfo new_list[sizing + 1];
     for (int i = 0;i < sizing;i++)
         new_list[i].name = friend_list[i].name;
         new_list[i].last_day = friend_list.last_day;
 return new_list;

该程序将结构放入一个数组中,该数组包含朋友的名字,以及他们与他们交谈的最后一天。稍后的选择之一是添加另一个朋友。函数 GrowArray 与朋友和日子一起获取初始数组,创建另一个带有额外位置的数组,并将原始数组复制到新数组中。但是当我使用该功能时,我收到此错误 ->错误:无法将"(FriendInfo*((和朋友("从"FriendInfo*"转换为"FriendInfo"。怎么了?



您应该使用 newdelete 来创建和销毁数组(然后您可以将它们作为指针传递(,或者最好使用 std::vector 为您处理所有这些内容。
