
C++: Deleting a node in BST, either gets a seg fault or duplicates node

本文关键字:节点 一个 seg 错误 C++ BST 删除      更新时间:2023-10-16


            void BST::deleteNode(int el)
            Input: An integer that is to be deleted from the tree
            Output: Nothing
            Side Effect: Single node deleted and tree reordered
            void BST::deleteNode(int el)
              BSTNode *temp;
              BSTNode *prev;
              BSTNode *node = Root;
              while (node -> nodeContent != el && node != NULL) // start the search
                // if the search is less than 
                if(el < node -> nodeContent)
                  node = node -> leftChild;
                else if (el > node -> nodeContent)
                  node = node -> rightChild;
                if (node == NULL)
                  std::cout << "That item cannot be deleted, "
                              "because it doesn't exist" << std::endl;
              // ok, so we found the node
              // this is if node has two children
              if (node -> leftChild != NULL && node -> rightChild != NULL)
                // first, set temp to rightmost node in left subtree
                temp = node -> leftChild;
                while (temp -> rightChild != NULL)
                  // set prev to the node above node (bad name resolution, I know..)
                  prev = temp;
                  temp = temp -> rightChild;
                // now we have our node, temp, and prev set.
                // time to do some copying
                // first step: set prev's rightChild to NULL
                prev -> rightChild = NULL;
                // ok. now we need to check if temp has a left child
                if (temp -> leftChild != NULL)
                  //if it does, set it to prev's rightChild
                  prev -> rightChild = temp -> leftChild;
                // done. Now set nodes content to temps content
                node -> nodeContent = temp -> nodeContent;
                // good work. now delete temp
                delete temp;
                temp = NULL;
              // this one is for deleting a node without a right child
              if (node -> rightChild == NULL && node -> leftChild != NULL)
                // using temp this time as the leftChild of the node to be deleted
                temp = node -> leftChild;
                // copy the content from child to node's content
                node -> nodeContent = temp -> nodeContent;
                // george r.r. martin the heck out of temp, for his watch has ended
                delete temp;
                temp = NULL;
              // now, if (soon-to-be) deleted node only has a right child
              if (node -> leftChild == NULL && node -> rightChild != NULL)
                // set temp to be nodes rightChild
                temp = node -> rightChild;
                // copy content from temp to to node
                node -> nodeContent = temp -> nodeContent;
                // delete temp
                delete temp;
                temp = NULL;
              // the last one should be the easiest, if the node has no children
              if (node -> leftChild == NULL && node -> rightChild == NULL)
                delete node;


现在,代码转到第二个if语句,这反过来也是真的!然后它执行第二个CCD_ 4块。

