
Regarding differences between how MSVC and g++ treat C++ template code

本文关键字:c++ 代码 MSVC 何处理 关于 处理      更新时间:2023-10-16

我在ACCU (http://accu.org/index.php/journals/1916)上偶然发现了这段代码,并且对通过使用CRTP在c++中应用AOP来完成一个有趣的项目很感兴趣。作者给出的代码如下:

namespace aop
template <class A>
class NullAspect
template <template <template <class> class> class Base>
struct Decorate
    struct None {};
    template <template <class> class ... Aspects>
    struct Apply;
    template <template <class> class T>
    struct Apply<T>
        template <class E>
        using Type = T<E>;
    template<template < class > class A1, template < class > class ... Aspects>
    struct Apply<A1, Aspects...>
        template <class T>
        using Type = A1<typename Apply<Aspects...>::template Type<T>>; // the errors point to this line and the 'Type' refers to the 'template Type<T>'
    template<template <class> class ... Aspects>
    struct with
        template <class T>
        using AspectsCombination = typename Apply<Aspects...>::template Type<T>;
        typedef AspectsCombination<Base<AspectsCombination>> Type;

我尝试在Microsoft VS2015中编译它,它给了我以下一组错误:

Error   C2146   syntax error: missing '>' before identifier 'Type'  
Error   C2947   expecting '>' to terminate template-argument-list, found '<'    
Error   C2061   syntax error: identifier 'T'    
Error   C2238   unexpected token(s) preceding ';'   
Error   C1201   unable to continue after syntax error in class template definition  
Error   C2143   syntax error: missing ';' before '}'    
Error   C2238   unexpected token(s) preceding ';'   




#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include "aop.h"
//#define INHERITING_CTORS  as of g++ 6.4.3, inheriting ctors was not implemented
template <typename _UnderlyingType>
struct Number
    template <template <class> class A = aop::NullAspect>
    class Type
        typedef _UnderlyingType UnderlyingType;
        typedef A<Number::Type<A>> FullType;
        Type(UnderlyingType n)
            : n(n)
        friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Type& number)
            return out << number.n;
        UnderlyingType n;
template <class A>
class ArithmeticAspect: public A
    typedef typename A::FullType FullType;
    using A::A;
    ArithmeticAspect(typename A::UnderlyingType n)
        : A(n)
    ArithmeticAspect(const A& a)
        : A(a)
    FullType operator+(const FullType& other) const
        FullType tmp(*this);
        return tmp += other;
    FullType operator-(const FullType& other) const
        FullType tmp(*this);
        return tmp -= other;
    FullType operator+=(const FullType& other)
        A::n += other.n;
        return A::n;
    FullType operator-=(const FullType& other)
        A::n -= other.n;
        return A::n;
    // same for *, *=, /, /=
template <class A>
class IncrementalAspect: public A
    typedef typename A::FullType FullType;
    using A::A;
    IncrementalAspect(typename A::UnderlyingType n)
        : A(n)
    IncrementalAspect(const A& a)
        : A(a)
    FullType operator++(int)
        FullType tmp(*this);
        return tmp;
    FullType operator++()
        return *this;
    FullType operator--(int)
        FullType tmp(*this);
        return tmp;
    FullType operator--()
        return *this;
* Configurable Aspect sumExample
template <unsigned int PRECISION>
struct RoundAspect
    template <class A>
    class Type : public A
        typedef typename A::FullType FullType;
        using A::A;
        Type(typename A::UnderlyingType n)
            : A(n)
        Type(const A& a)
            : A(a)
        FullType operator+(const FullType& other) const
            return FullType(round(A::operator+(other).n));
        static float round(float f)
            const unsigned int e = std::pow(10, PRECISION);
            return float(int(f * e)) / e;
template <class A>
class LogicalAspect: public A
    typedef typename A::FullType FullType;
    using A::A;
    LogicalAspect(typename A::UnderlyingType n)
        : A(n)
    LogicalAspect(const A& a)
        : A(a)
    bool operator!() const
        return !A::n;
    bool operator&&(const FullType& other) const
        return A::n && other.n;
    bool operator||(const FullType& other) const
        return A::n || other.n;
template <class A>
class BitwiseAspect: public A
    typedef typename A::FullType FullType;
    using A::A;
    BitwiseAspect(typename A::UnderlyingType n)
        : A(n)
    BitwiseAspect(const A& a)
        : A(a)
    bool operator~() const
        return ~A::n;
    FullType operator&(const FullType& mask) const
        return A::n & mask.n;
    FullType operator|(const FullType& mask) const
        return A::n | mask.n;
    FullType operator<<(const FullType& bitcount) const
        return A::n << bitcount.n;
    FullType operator>>(const FullType& bitcount) const
        return A::n >> bitcount.n;
    FullType& operator>>=(const FullType& bitcount)
        A::n >>= bitcount.n;
        return *static_cast<FullType*>(this);
template <class N>
void sumExample(typename N::UnderlyingType n1, typename N::UnderlyingType n2)
    N a(n1);
    N b(n2);
    N c = a + b;
    std::cout << c << std::endl;
template <class N>
void orExample(typename N::UnderlyingType n1, typename N::UnderlyingType n2)
    N a(n1);
    N b(n2);
    std::cout << (a || b) << std::endl;
template <class N>
void bitwiseExample(typename N::UnderlyingType n1, typename N::UnderlyingType n2)
    N a(n1);
    N b(n2);
    std::cout << (a + ((b >>= 1) << 3)) << std::endl;
int main()
    typedef aop::Decorate<Number<unsigned int>::Type>::with<ArithmeticAspect, IncrementalAspect, LogicalAspect, BitwiseAspect>::Type IntegralNumber;
    bitwiseExample<IntegralNumber>(1, 2);
    sumExample<IntegralNumber>(1, 2);
    typedef aop::Decorate<Number<float>::Type>::with<RoundAspect<2>::Type, ArithmeticAspect, LogicalAspect>::Type FloatRoundLogicalNumber;
    orExample<FloatRoundLogicalNumber>(1, 0);
    typedef aop::Decorate<Number<int>::Type>::with<LogicalAspect>::Type IntLogicalNumber;
    orExample<IntLogicalNumber>(1, 0);
    typedef aop::Decorate<Number<float>::Type>::with<RoundAspect<2>::Type, ArithmeticAspect>::Type FloatRoundNumber;
    sumExample<FloatRoundNumber>(1.339, 1.1233);
    return 0;

IMHO这是模板化模板上的>>综合征。在c++ 11之前,需要一个空格来分隔>令牌,而不是一个>>令牌。

从c++ 11 n4296草案开始,在14.2中说模板特化的名称[temp.names]§3:

…类似地,第一个非嵌套的>>被视为两个连续的但是不同的>标记,其中第一个作为模板参数列表的结束,并完成模板id .


为了完整起见,当使用CLang 3.4.1编译而不指定std=c++11时,会显示以下错误:

error: a space is required between consecutive right angle brackets (use '> >')
    using Type = A1<typename Apply<Aspects...>::template Type<T>>; // the er...

并且希望在c++ 11模式下甚至没有警告…

(*)不幸的是,我无法访问VS2015,微软在他们的c++ 11/14/17功能页面中声明,右尖括号是由VS2013和2015实现的。所以我假设在项目属性中应该有一个代码级别指示。

所以,在摆弄了几遍,读了几遍之后,我终于给原作者发了一封电子邮件。所以所有的功劳都归他,Hugo Arregui先生。


template < template <class> class A1, template <class> class A2, template <class> class... Aspects>
struct Apply<A1,A2,Aspects...>
    template<class T>
    using Type = A1< typename Apply<A2, Aspects...>::template Type<T> >;